Friday, November 29, 2013

Mission Accomplished: 13x13x13 - 13

I have been collecting things to say for this final blog. Things I considered writing about along the way, but thought, "I'll save that until then end." I don't feel like writing any of those things now. Blogging lesson learned: just say what you want to say when you feel like saying it.

What I would like to share today is:

2 Final Times: Our last (and 13th) half marathon of 2013 was 13.6 miles and included a massive hill at the end.

Official Final Time: 2:34:00
13.1 Time: 2:26:38

I am not done running. I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the concept that I am a runner. Just two years ago I ran my first 5k on Thanksgiving and it was the longest continuous distance I had ever run. So let me just get this out of the way now: if I can do it, you can do it. I don't know what my running future looks like, but I'm excited to find out! It will most likely still involve half marathons, but also other distances like 5k and 10k. I have proposed to Sadie the idea of a themed year where we only run races with ridiculous names like the Geoduck Gallop (pronounced: gooey duck gallop) or anything having to do with Sasquatch. If you have any good ideas, send them our way!

If you don't have a crazier half, get one. There's no way I would have ever run one half marathon, let alone thirteen in one year (or THREE in one month) if it wasn't for Sadie. I have pointed this out to her many times along the way. I'm a firm believer in pushing yourself as an individual if you want to learn and grow. But sometimes it takes someone else to come up with that goal so spectacularly insane that you can't resist trying. I like to think Sadie and I are each other's crazier halves. She convinces me to run distances that are best suited for driving, and I drag her across third world countries on binge eating and walking sprees. I guess this means it's my turn again?

This is all to say that (as totally insane as I thought it was at first) running 13 miles 13 times in 2013 was a total blast! It taught me a lot not only about myself, but the combined power of two crazies and a solid support team on a mission (I'm lookin' at you Tiffany, Lee, Laila, Casey, and many others). Go Team!

Let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we?

We ran the LIVESTRONG Austin Half Marathon in
February 2012 - it was my first half marathon.

Casey made signs for us.

Then we did it again in 2013!
Sometimes we were scared...

...but usually we were excited.

We always worked hard.

and ONCE I beat Sadie to the finish line to take
her picture there. (this wasn't even a half marathon
though, and in her defense... she was 30 min late)

But through aches, pains, bronchitis and a whole
lot of tendinitis, we made it through! 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

PR: 13x13x13 - 12

Yesterday, I completed my 12th half marathon of the year AND got a medal! I wasn't expecting any more swag this year, so I was pleasantly surprised thrilled to get one!

When I got home and Casey asked, "How did it go?" I think the first thing I said was, "I got a medal!" He picked up my cardboard circle with a sticker on it and looked at it curiously. Okay, so it's not made of medal, but I earned it dammit and I'll call it a medal!

You know what else I got with my cardboard circle? A personal record!
Final Time: 2:28:01

One of my goals for this experience was to work my way to a time of 2 hours and 30 minutes. With times that have consistently been 10-15 minutes slower than that, I was getting a little nervous. But I finally did it!

Sammamish River Trail
This was also the second half marathon in a row that was organized by a local running club. This means:

  • The run was super cheap!
  • I am now a member of a local running club
  • We ran on local trails where I can run again (unlike the middle of the street in downtown Austin)
  • I'm pretty sure I've discovered a group runners who complete marathons once a week (don't even think about it, Sadie!)

I am definitely feeling the effects of the extra push, and this recovery will be a bit longer, I can already tell. But at least I have a couple of weeks until the next one. Oh yeah, that's right - 3 half marathons in one month! Very appropriately, Sadie and I will run our last half marathon of the year on Thanksgiving Day.

#12 Start / Finish Area
Surely, it won't be my last half marathon, but I'm looking forward to taking my life (and my weekends) back from running for a bit. Well, sometimes. I'm thinking about actually working on my speed at reasonable distances like 5k and 10k. 

If anyone wants to help us celebrate the completion of our New Year's resolution (who does that?!) come to the Wittle Waddle at Gas Works Park!

Then we eat!

Imagine how fast I'd be if I didn't stop to take so many pictures!

To my Texans: Yes, all races in Washington start
at a cute little cabin in the woods. It's a rule.

Getting our instructions at the start.

Turn around! The half-way point.

More of the Sammamish River Trail.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Welcome to Washington: 13x13x13 - 11

Although yesterday's run was not the first I have done in the state of Washington, it was the first time the Washington weather came out. The forecast predicted temps in the mid-50s, certain rain, and a wind advisory. The temps were right on and fortunately the rain clouds were merciful, keeping their goods to themselves. The wind however... was anywhere from 25-30mph and we were running straight at it most of the way.

This 11th half marathon of the year cost me a $10 donation to a local food bank and a handful of tissues. I also found a mascot in one of the snails that came out after the early morning rains. Maybe part of the reason I'm so slow is because I stop to take pictures... of snails.

Final Time: 2:46:18

There was also a fun surprise in store for me at the end of the race - an old friend (who I only saw about once a year living in Texas) was in the area. We went to brunch afterward and she restored my faith in Shari's. She also restored my depleted supply of power steering fluid! So handy, that one.

Now that I'm almost done, I thought this would be an appropriate time to reflect a bit. Here are a few things that I've learned about running half marathons:
  • I am becoming increasingly superstitious about wearing the bracelets my mother-in-law made me.
  • Eggs Benedict is my favorite post-race meal.
  • When it comes to food, hydration, and sleep, it's not the night before that counts the most - rather 2 nights before. I would eat Thanksgiving dinner on this night every time if I could.
  • I know I need to drink a protein shake after finishing, but I will never like it.
  • There are a lot of things we assume are impossible that are, in fact, totally possible!
  • Slow and steady wins the race eventually gets you to the end.
It was a beautiful course!

Closeup: please take a moment to admire this woman's
awesome, fruit-stripe-esque pants.