But my mom, as I have mentioned before, is the most spectacular data gatherer in all of the land - and it appears mother nature has appointed me as her apprentice. We are like little squirrels scavenging for majestic nuggets of information. We joyfully and obsessively collect our treasures until we are completely exhausted. In most cases, then (and only then) we are satisfied.
In my case, starting a new activity or hobby often sparks this desire for information overload. Needless to say, there have been a lot of running related Google searches in my free time lately. When I'm not at home, my gracious co-workers who I have classified as runners are mercilessly ambushed with run chat. I ask questions, share random facts (thanks to Google) or divulge details of my morning run. They not only humor me, but also offer fantastic advice that I eagerly implement on my next not walk run.
Today, I came upon an article from Runner's World that I wanted to share - mostly because it made me giggle.
Say what?! This is definitely something that I have not experienced yet; and I like to pretend that I will escape this icky foot fate. Just today I was complaining about sore feet. I will keep on pretending that is the worst of it until the day I pull my sock off in horror.
The moral of this story is: don't do the potty dance at intersections. You can stop, it's okay! I actually prefer to take this moment to stretch and pretend like I don't look like I'm about to die. Sometimes I wonder if cars are nervous that I will just keel over into moving traffic. However, I'm sure doing a jig on the corner will just make me look crazier than I already am. I'm glad to have Runner's World backing me up on this one.
As for the last running tip that I will share from this article, I have no words - only a glorious quote:
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