This morning I woke up with a writing bug like I've never experienced before. I'm not sure if it was there when I opened my eyes or if I created it by starting one of my 27 in 27 items - writing down my dreams for 30 days. I always have the best recollection of my dreams when I first wake up, and this morning I remembered more than usual. So I pulled out a notebook that hasn't been filled with class notes yet and started day 1 by scribbling down what I remembered. By the time I was done with the first dream, I couldn't recall very much of the others, but that's to be expected. I've heard once you start doing this, you tend to remember more and more. I wrote for a good 15 minutes, and then had to start getting ready for class. I left a quick note for Casey to find when he woke up and then hopped in the shower.
As the morning went on, my thoughts wouldn't quiet down and the urge to write became more intense. I'm not sure if it was the subject that needed to come out (which may turn into another blog for another time) or if I just needed to write - about anything. Many writers will say they do it because they need to. Until this morning, I don't think I've ever understood the need to write, to dump out all of the contents of my head. It genuinely felt like my sanity was on the line. I started to get irritated that I didn't have the time to get my thoughts out in the way they were coming to me in those moments, and I considered foregoing the morning routine to do it. Rest assured, I managed to convince myself to shower, brush my teeth, and clothe myself. But the entire time I kept thinking things like, "Why am I putting on mascara right now? I need to be writing! This is ridiculous."
I wasn't able to sit down and write again before I had to go to class, so I just let my thoughts flow as if I was writing (but really I was brushing my teeth). It definitely wasn't the release I was looking for, but eventually the urge subsided and I got over the fact that it didn't fit into my schedule today. I find it funny that I'm having a hard time writing this blog right now when not so long ago it felt like if I could just sit down at my computer for 30 minutes the feeling would be so fantastic that it just might solve world hunger. I will be interested to see if the writing bug bites again as I continue to jot down my dreams in the morning. I don't think I will ever feel the need to write as a profession, but I'm finding that I really enjoy doing it for fun. Now, if I could only convince this bug to take on my final papers, I'd be set.
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