Friday, July 20, 2012

Birthday Bear

salty & sweet: b-day ice cream and bacon treat!
Today is Bear's second birthday! Well, at least that's what Casey and I decided. Granted, we can't be sure how old he is, but we took the estimate from the dog rescue, vet, and our own experiences and just took a stab. Originally, we gave him a birthday at the time we adopted him, but reassigned it for (what we see as) the necessary adjustments. Plus, we kinda wanted to celebrate it too. As you can tell, it was a big deal.

So, how do you determine a Bear's birthday? Use your Secret Language of Birthdays book of course! 

July 20th is for those that are adventuresome, active and practical, but also restless and dissatisfied - a little bit moody, but mostly awesome. Play all day at the park with new friends, know how to get your treat when you get home (sit for mom and 'be a bear' for dad), and throw a melodramatic tantrum when your people don't go to bed on time - you're so tired! Why won't they sleep?!

What does a birthday pup do on their special day? Enjoy a little ice cream treat flaunting a designer hat. Play with your new squeaky ball, and go to the park! Seems like a good day to me - pup or person.

Yes, I know we're a bit silly for our dog, but how can you not get a little carried away for this handsome fellow?

I'm glad we're the ones that got to adopt him and give him a home. And I really hope we are right that he's just turning two, because that means many more action packed, silly, melodramatic years are ahead!

Birthdays are so exhausting!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! We celebrate Gussie's birthday too and we may even have more fun than he does. I know we're obsessed but I wouldn't have it any other way... Happy [belated] birthday, Bear!

    p.s. That hat is too cute.
