Wednesday, November 28, 2012

La Pega

In most of the Spanish speaking world, la pega refers to an obstacle, problem or something else equally as encouraging. In Chile, it is most commonly used to refer to your job. The phrase is used with about the same amount of warm and fuzzy sentiment as calling your wife the old lady.

I've been spending a lot of time at work lately, but on my way home today I realized that, despite my exhaustion, my work is not pega. This week, my (extremely long) days have primarily consisted of updating, proof-reading, and editing short biographies of 116 scholarship recipients. Aside from the fact that my eyes hurt and I am just plain tired, I am emotionally spent. 

These students are exceptional in every way possible. They live in exceptionally difficult circumstances with exceptionally low access to education. They are exceptionally intelligent with a drive to succeed that is far beyond exceptional. They accomplish exceptional feats and have exceptionally high hopes for the future of their families, their community, and their country despite all signs indicating otherwise. They are my heroes. 

This is a friendly reminder that work does not have to be pega. I am definitely guilty of forgetting this and focusing on the negative, taxing aspects of my work at times. I love remembering that it's possible to dedicate your career to something that matters; something that you really care about. Quite honestly, I'm not sure that I could do it any other way. It makes all of the work (the pega work) worth while.

Today I am feeling very fortunate for the opportunity to take part in the exceptional lives and accomplishments of these students.

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