Friday, September 20, 2013

Seattle Bound: an Intro

Many people know by now that Casey and I are moving to Seattle. 

I've said it. I'm writing it. By the looks of our living room, we're clearly doing it. But I just can't seem to process it! My brain might not be cooperating, but my mediocre Photoshop skills are (more or less). 

Check it out!

"When are you leaving?" 
"What's the plan?"
"Where will you live?"

These are all (very logical) questions that people keep asking us. I would love to be able to answer just one of them. If I had a dollar for every time I've replied, "That's a great question! We're not sure yet." this week, I'm pretty sure it would cover the gas for the entire trip. So, here's a better answer: It's an adventure! We'll let you know how it goes.

And we will! I plan on blogging our travels from Texas to the Pacific Northwest, so stay tuned! And no, I don't know when that will start. But when it does, it will probably go something like this:

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